Stickers For Festivals And Events

  • Updated

What type of events or festivals are promotional stickers best for?

Promotional and fun stickers are perfect for any type of event! Here are some examples where promotional sticker may be popular:

  • Beer/Brewery festivals
  • Coffee festivals
  • Music festivals
  • Craft and maker festivals
  • Cultural festivals (i.e. Italian fest, Polish fest)

Festivals and events are a great way to market your business and brand because you get to tell your story to people through the experience. Take a food festival in a major city, like Chicago or New York. If you are attending the festival with your food or beverage company, you can use custom stickers to promote your business, which can hold brand sentiment for those interested in your business.

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Here are some ways you can use stickers to promote your business at festivals and events:

Hang-Tag Stickers

Have you ever been on a road trip and seen hang-tag stickers at the rest stop representing the place you are traveling to? Hang-tag stickers are great for festivals and events that showcase various vendors or purchasing opportunities. Hang-tag stickers are sticker sheets that have a special cut, perhaps for hanging on display. They're easily displayed, take up little room, and can be distributed easily. Not to mention the endless marketing possibilities for design around the additional space around the design of your sticker.

Freebie or Free Handout Stickers

Use your sticker as a freebie in swag bags for attendees. Everyone loves stickers and everyone loves free!

A new kind of business card that sticks

Have your sticker act as your business card with branding and contact information. A double-whammy that is sure to make a lasting impression.

Create excitement before the festival happens

When marketing for the festival you are attending or leading, use custom stickers to garner excitement before the festival takes place. Encourage those to share their stickers on social media - just like some of the free stickers you might find in an order from StickerGiant.

Cultivate brand affinity and awareness after the event happens

Keep the event high going and hand out stickers for your event or product before guests leave the event or stop by your booth.

Be your own brand advocate

Rep the stickers you plan to share on your own laptop, water bottle, with your local community, and of course on all of your social media platforms.

How To Add Stickers To Your Festival Or Event

Stickers are a great way to promote your business, brand, or event regardless of the season. Here are some examples of how to use your StickerGiant stickers at a festival or event:

  • Beverage labels are a great way to sell your products like beer, wine, kombucha, coffee, or any bottled beverage.
  • Selling products like soap, scrubs, candles, honey - anything in a bottle or jar? Our custom labels are a great option. They're also perfect for to-go boxes, too!
  • Stickers are a great freebie. At an event with booths, like a food festival or cultural fest, give away your well-branded and beautifully designed stickers.

Regardless of the season, stickers are always a great accompaniment to your local community festival or event - large or small. Take your branding to the next level and order your custom stickers and labels today!

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