At StickerGiant, we touch every piece of artwork that is submitted for print and we want your stickers and labels to print with the best quality! Here's a quick list to keep in mind to set up your artwork correctly:
- Use Vector image, or Raster image at 300 dpi for the requested size
- Embed all images
- Outline all Fonts
- Include 1/8" of bleed past where your cutline should be
- Ensure important content is at least 1/16" in from the cutline
- Setup your Color Mode with CMYK
We accept the following file formats: AI, PSD, JPEG, PNG, SVG, TIFF, PDF, or EPS.
Not sure? Have a different file format? No problem! Our Art Department is standing by to help advise you, or to help fix up your artwork.
Here is a more detailed guideline on how to set up your files for print!
Have your artwork ready? Get started here!