I'm new to printing stickers, what file types work best for my artwork?

  • Updated

We want your stickers to print with the best possible quality! This means that you'll want the artwork 🖼️ you submit to be a decent-quality image. The better the quality of your image, the more crisp and clear your stickers will be!

If possible, send us your artwork in vector format. Typically these will be in one of these formats: AI, EPS, or PDF. We also accept raster files at 300 dpi at your requested size in CMYK color mode (learn more here 🎨). Typically, these will be in one of these formats: PSD, TIFF, JPGs, or PNG. You can learn more about the difference between Vector and Raster artwork here 💡!

Not sure what type of file you have? Have a different file format? No problem. We would be happy to check your files out and advise you on how best to move forward! Our Art Department is standing by to help advise you or to fix up your artwork for print! Reach out to our Customer Service Team and they will help answer any questions you have.


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